"When in conversion, you sometimes get carried away and the talk becomes all about YOU." -- CC, opening sentence
Well, "conversion" was what we used to attempt!
Pitiful proofreader here.
when in conversion, you sometimes get carried away and the talk becomes all about you.. then, you remember you're in a conversation, say you're sorry, and allow the other person to talk.
she goes on about what's happening in her life, you listen and ask some questions.
she tells you more and then shifts the dialogue back to you.
"When in conversion, you sometimes get carried away and the talk becomes all about YOU." -- CC, opening sentence
Well, "conversion" was what we used to attempt!
Pitiful proofreader here.
Thanks, minimus!
Is there a link? Do I just Google "Words"?
when in conversion, you sometimes get carried away and the talk becomes all about you.. then, you remember you're in a conversation, say you're sorry, and allow the other person to talk.
she goes on about what's happening in her life, you listen and ask some questions.
she tells you more and then shifts the dialogue back to you.
Thanks, scratchme, Scully, AllTimeJeff, and sparrowndown:
You all made great comments and helped answer my questions. Yes, a round of applause!
"Why were you asking CoCo are you just curious or is it work related?" -- sparrowdown
You're correct, sparrow, it is draining. I ask because it is life-related. Like you, I can politely mention my "annoyance" to one friend but perhaps not to another. One dear, elderly friend telephones and hits the bricks running with the wonders of her life. Never an introductory "Hello, how are you?" I finally mentioned it to her a few calls back when there was a momentary break in her TMI (too much info). She was unaware and apologized; she really is a very sensitive and caring person. She thanked me.
In some other cases, a good and exuberant friend will take a comment I make and would like feedback on and weave it into an elaborate tapestry of his life's accomplishments, tragedies, sorrows, etc. Not necessarily "I'm better than you or have it worse than you." I get how a comment I make might trigger something in my friend's (or just a casual acquaintance's [gee, maybe even a stranger's]) sphere of reference. It's what we all do. I apologize a lot because I'm a chatty Mediterranean. Genetics. Can't help it!
So, it's no big deal. As others stated, you make allowances, or you don't.
I'm unfamiliar with the game itself, but I like using words and their varied meanings in creative writing class:
invade and inveighed
a diet of worms and The Diet of Worms
mondegreen and malapropism
foreword and forward
i ask this question for the following reason.
i was sitting at the kingdom hall thinking about all the rules, procedures, policies, teachings that each member must follow ......or else!.
at the watchtower study we are reminded of the paradise earth where we will all be the same and happy.
I don't understand.
Brother Breaux, on the video, warmly reassured (at least twice) the Bethel brothers and sisters how much the Governing Body loves them. And by extension (WT favorite term), they love us.
You got a problem and broke some rules?
Let us help you!
when in conversion, you sometimes get carried away and the talk becomes all about you.. then, you remember you're in a conversation, say you're sorry, and allow the other person to talk.
she goes on about what's happening in her life, you listen and ask some questions.
she tells you more and then shifts the dialogue back to you.
Great replies, Pete and Janice.
In researching this topic -- to get some background in answer to my own queries on one uppers -- I read that these people are insecure and, generally, one up only those they know, not strangers (who themselves may outdo the former).
Good point about your comments being invalidated. So much more to say on this subject, . . .
is your retreat .
an actual location, or simply a quiet place in your mind?.
i attended a concert on sunday, a featured piece having been commissioned by a composer who lives in the city but retreats to an island in the puget sound (usa) to write his music.
"Me I just write." -- Holden Caulfield
Please continue to write, Holden, and be sure to date your work. That's what I tell my students so they can look back years from now and chart their progress. I have something of my own dated nearly 60 years ago.
Great things lie in store for you, and many will benefit from what you have endured today.
is this true?
is this really true?!.
It was so much simpler during Br. Knorr's day.
His kind one-on-one with young brothers was heartfelt and reassuring. He was understanding of the conflicts faced by young guys. No long, unreasonable list of rules. As last resort, he recommended salt peter.
Br. Breaux didn't mention that.
when in conversion, you sometimes get carried away and the talk becomes all about you.. then, you remember you're in a conversation, say you're sorry, and allow the other person to talk.
she goes on about what's happening in her life, you listen and ask some questions.
she tells you more and then shifts the dialogue back to you.
"You drove on the Autobahn? I drove on the Sea of Tranquility in my lunar rover.'
Thanks, dubstepped!
"I was just going to have to accept and understand the limits of our relationship. I chose the latter." -- Wild_Thing
Me, too -- do I ever understand!
when in conversion, you sometimes get carried away and the talk becomes all about you.. then, you remember you're in a conversation, say you're sorry, and allow the other person to talk.
she goes on about what's happening in her life, you listen and ask some questions.
she tells you more and then shifts the dialogue back to you.
When in conversion, you sometimes get carried away and the talk becomes all about YOU.
Then, you remember you're in a conversation, say you're sorry, and allow the other person to talk. She goes on about what's happening in her life, you listen and ask some questions. She tells you more and then shifts the dialogue back to you. Ideally.
It gets annoying, however, when whatever you say is "topped" by the one hearing, who seems unconcerned about listening to what you have just said. Totally oblivious, in fact. He has a greater accomplishment, or, conversely, a sadder story than yours.
When shut down in conversation, do you simply listen politely, or do you try to steer the conversation from its one side to the originally intended two sides? Maybe, excuse yourself while Chatterbox carries on?
I found this online:
In our family we shout "topper" when anyone starts immediately trying to "top" someone else's achievement etc. [https://www.mumsnet.com/Talk/am_i_being_unreasonable/1166609-My-mother-and-one-upmanship]